In the wake of his passing 2020, the true-life story of MF DOOM (real name: Daniel Dumile) has been the topic of many articles online. However, Dumile was a notoriously private person, and his MF DOOM persona underlined his need to separate the man and the myth.
The six-page comic titled “ALL CAPS” (available for free) intends to simultaneously honor the man behind the mask, as well as the mask itself, by emphasizing his message: modern hip hop has become too obsessed with the superficial and is not focused enough on the sound.
Writer Troy-Jeffrey Allen and artist Smack! (Sean Anthony Mack) utilize the visual tool of comics, a medium that influenced the DOOM persona, to take the reader on a visual journey that recreates the sonic experience of an MF DOOM album.
And we weren't the only ones inspired by MF DOOM. Filmmaker B. John Holmes read the comic and envisioned a music video tribute.
Enjoy the video above. You can request a free copy of "ALL CAPS" from the RexCo shop HERE.