DJ "808" Stickers
What you get:
- 4" x 6.5"
- Sticker set featuring android DJ "808" and the "Create the Culture" logo.
- Art by Ben Perkins, Jason Guinn, and Mervyn McKoy
- Comes in a unique, reusable, smell-proof DJ 808 mylar "baggie."
Originally debuting at the 2022 Cosgala, this sticker set features 808, the star of her own upcoming anthology project from RexCo. Comics.
CTC-808 was a top-of-the-line Las Vegas Party Droid. For ten years she entertained gambling, drunk humans with her liquid state memory’s smart playlists. However, due to humanity’s own disregard for the environment, they were forced to abandon planet Earth! 808 was shut down and discarded somewhere on the desolate Vegas strip. Until she woke up one day! Now, 808 goes to great lengths to find someone (anyone!) to share her late-20th-century musical artifacts with. She is a creation trying to share in a land of destruction. Coming soon from RexCo.
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