Fight of the Century #1 ("Meet The Cast" Cover)
New Remastered Edition! Not available in comic shops!
What you get:
- Featuring a glossy stock "Man of Science" cover by Mervyn McKoy
- A physical copy with 40 pages of hard-hitting biopunk action!
- More white-knuckle action featuring art by Julius Abrera (G.I. Joe vs. Cobra)
- New blood-soaked colors by Jorge Cortes (Grimm Fairy Tales)
- Comes with a futuristic "ring girl" centerfold by Netho Diaz (Marvel's Predator)
- Bonus interview conducted by Greg Anderson Elysée (Is'nana the Were-Spider)
- Bonus material expanding the hard-hitting MMA world of F.U.E.L.
- Comes in RexCo's 7 1/2 x 10 3/4 six-sided plastic toploader for maximum protection.
- Includes a free bookmark by artist SMACK!
CYBERPUNK 2077 meets MEGLOBOX meets FRANKENSTEIN in this martial arts-biopunk comic from RexCo!
In a futuristic Brazil, performance-enhancing drugs have revolutionized the world of MMA. Fighters are bigger, stronger, and faster than EVER! Two men - Brazil's Rex Punga and El Salvador's Diego Andrade - enter the octagon with the promise of blood-splattered glory! A drug-fueled incident during their match nearly kills Diego and sends Punga into hiding! However, in the dark corners of Neo-Rio, Brazil…a rematch is just one pill away.
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